On 11/14/2012 3:10 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
I see that our project is growing new branches.   Would it make sense
to start documenting these on a wiki page, so it is clear what each
one is, and who is maintaining it?

Current branches are:

AOO34/ --- Our 3.4.x branch, would be used if we ever need a 3.4.2

alg/ -- This is Armin's long-term graphics rendering improvement work,
maybe integrated for AOO 4.1

gbuild/ -- This looks new, from Andrew.  Sounds build-related.  But
what is it?  And what is the plan for getting it integrated?  Is this
planned AOO 4.0?
This is a continuation of this:

integration of a set of CWSes:

The initial branch for doing this work was deleted and this new branch created. With the original branch, I had applied all of the patches en masse, followed by one massive check-in. We'll just say that this was sub-optimal. After discussions at ApacheConEU - it was decided the best course was to start from scratch, that way we don't have to merge up to the latest trunk. I'm in the process now of applying and committing all the patches, followed by changing all the headers in newly created files.



writer001/ -- Ditto.  What is it and what is the plan for getting it integrated?



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