On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 8:43 PM, Ray <r...@prh-inc.com> wrote:
> Yes, and so far amazed at how unorganized it is.

Hi Ray --

Traditional, hierarchical organization works in corporations and
armies, but not so well in community-led all-volunteer projects like
Apache OpenOffice.  They key is to have enough organization to get the
job done, but not so much that it becomes a burden.  If you observe
long enough you'll get a feel for how things work here.

> Does anyone here know when a bug is legit and when it is resolved?

When a bug is legit the QA volunteer changes the report from
Unconfirmed to Confirmed. When a developer begins working on a fix he
or she marks at as Accepted.  When the developer has checked in a fix
it is marked Resolved/Fixed.  When a QA volunteer verifies that the
fix is correct then the defect report is closed.

If you read the Intro to QA page [1] you will see a link there with
more details of the Bug Lifecycle [2].

[1] http://openoffice.apache.org/orientation/intro-qa.html

[2] http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Issue_lifecycle

> So far I have found nothing to help with and have had my mail box bombarded
> with useless and repetitive jitter from people.

Managing your inbox is a key part of volunteering on any Apache
project.  We do all project communications via email. Most volunteers
define rules in their mail client to put all list emails from Apache
into a special folder, so they can be reviewed at their leisure, and
not interfere with other emails from their day jobs.  Some even have a
separate email account that they use just for Apache work.



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