In case it is not clear where conventions arise in conjunction with prefixes on 
XML qualified names, it is the namespace that is bound to the prefix that 
establishes the convention.  The prefix choice is relatively arbitrary (but one 
must avoid unintentional collision with a prefix that is already in use).

Presumably the qualified attribute name prefix "drawooo" is bound to a 
namespace that is not one specified by any of the OASIS Standards for ODF.  It 
is necessary to know what that namespace is and where is the authority that 
specifies what its local terms (such as enhanced-path) are and what the rules 
for the attribute value are.  Assuming there is such a specification available, 
the namespace becomes reusable by other parties who want to implement the same 

Since it is an extension, and ODF 1.2 consumers are allowed to ignore any 
"foreign" attribute names and their values, it is also useful to know what the 
fall-back is in this case.  There is supposed to be a valid document remaining 
after the attribute is ignored.

 - Dennis

PS: Having such an extension in general use is cause to request its 
incorporation in a future OASIS Standard for ODF.  This will change the 
namespace and there will be need to support migration in that case.  The 
earlier the OASIS namespace becomes known, the more quickly implementations can 
be designed to accept either, in anticipation that at some future point, the 
OASIS-specified namespace will become the one that is produced for a particular 
ODF version.  That's all future work though.

PPS: Current Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 .odt documents declare bindings to the 
following "foreign" namespaces, although they might not actually be used in any 
given XML content:
The namespace that is bound to field is unusual.  It is not one of the ones 
defined as under the authority of OAIS.  (Those all begin urn:oasis:names ... .)

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Pescetti [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2013 09:26
Subject: Re: Problems with import of OOXML custGeom command arcTo in import of 

On 14/02/2013 Regina Henschel wrote:
> ...
> (1) What can we do with regard to license?

If your concern is about conventions (choice of constant definitions and 
attribute names) I, personally and as a non-lawyer, wouldn't see it as 
problematic: license applies to code while this information is retrieved 
from an ODP document.

> (2) Should we (if possible from license) follow the way of LO?

If this helps interoperability and the solution is technically good, I 
would be in favor. If it can technically be improved, it should be 
discussed together.

Out of ignorance, is "drawooo" in drawooo:enhanced-path="M 3 3 G 3 3 ?f0 
?f1 Z N" a common convention or something totally new?


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