On Feb 18, 2013 1:16 AM, "Pedro Giffuni" <p...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hello;
> Well, as you might imagine I am really tired of the flame storm that
> went around the 0 ^ 0 issue. My intention here is not at all to re-start
> that discussion. I really have much more fun things to do.
> I am actualy a fan of Clint Eastwood so let me remember one of
> my favorite movies ever.
> It didn't really take me long but I found a technical solution for the
> dilemma.
> - The numerical issues were caused by a copy-paste error where the
> C++ wrapper used int for the exponent instead of a double. Once
> found it was trivial to fix.
> - Considering the "vetos" I still think they are invalid but I think they
> both reflect a community concern so I have addressed it.
> The new patch [1] now defines in SAL's math.h the following:
+1 thanks for doing this. It shows flexibility and respect for the

Now I hope, that some of those who have a profund knowledge of "backward
compatility" also see a need to move a little bit.

It would be very respectfull to have a tool to which the information was

I hope someone with knowledge makes a mwiki page with docs. procedures to
test compatibility, that way we can discuss facts and not just words.

jan i

> This currently only affects the power function and acts as a
> sort of "excel compatibility" flag. This is very simple at this time
> but it fulfills it's task: you can easily change the behaviour
> during compile time.
> It is actually an advance because having this in SAL gives us control:
> our current behavior is platform dependent.
> The discussion so far has been centered around the default. I
> consider myself agnostic in this case: I think that it is better
> to use the stricter criteria and be compatible with MS Excel.
> A lot of people worry about compatibility issues.
> With my FreeBSD hat on, I think in the unsupported platforms
> (FreeBSD, OS2, Solaris) the compatibility issue isn't really a
> concern (the ASF has never provided officially binaries) but
> the Excel behaviour is useful for interoperability.
> I think the best option would be if existing users take a decision
> before release what behaviour the want and if the case is to revert
> we can add something like
> #if defined(WINOS) || defined(MACOSX) || defined(LINUX)
> #endif
> You get the idea. Doing this is rather ugly but I can live with it as
> at least windows and MacOSX have the option to use Excel if they
> want to be serious about math.
> I guess we could add it as a configure option but we already have
> too many of them and even then there has to be a default.
> This is something I think the comunity has to decide on by voting
> before the release. I won't take the decision but since I take care
> for FreeBSD, I think we will opt for the Excel compatibility (I do
> have to consult with Maho though).
> (Please stop reading here if you are sensible to non-technical issues)
> First I should thank Greg Stein for clarifying the correct sense and reach
> of the veto. I also want to thank people that have expressed their support
> in private or public. It is clear to me that we are still too young as a
> in AOO and that people still have a long way to learn in matters of
> I am not as much disappointed by the discussion (which I think
> doesn't correspond to the impact of the patch) but by the fact that
> I was not given the chance to work on it and that I have been
> insulted in the process.
> I strongly complained when Dave's commit was reverted and I find
> it absolutely unacceptable in the way it was done with me. First
> of all the harassment: I am a volunteer, I am not here to receive
> something in the lines of "Revert now or else ...", and second the
> lack of respect for my work.
> It *is* rude, really ... I *don't* care much what happens with the patch,
> if it should be disabled or not, but I DO want respect.
> I think I deserve reparation for the commit reversal: this shouldn't have
> happened. I request the code be restated as it should have never been
> reverted in the first place. This is all symbolical as there is a new
> Once the new version is in, I will let anyone else decide if you guys
> want to ifdef it or add a configure option or whatever: I don't really
> to be involved in this anymore.
> I also want an assurance that this will never *ever* happen again (I am
> talking about the revert, I guess bikesheds are unavoidable).
> If people really don't like my patches (yes, according to the Berne
> I do own them)  I will take them with me but I prefer if there is a
> discussion and not this circus we have been experiencing these last days.
> Pedro.
> [1] http://people.apache.org/~pfg/patches/patch-power00

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