
I've populated some minimal how to participate info on
Could you help with making that a blog post?  Even if its short "Call For
Designers" And a link to the above


On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Samer Mansour <> wrote:

> Kevin Grignon if you have spare time and experience in the area of design
> language and messaging your help would be really appreciated as I have
> limited experience in this area.  If you have a cwiki account, I don't mind
> if you alter the pages I've worked on.
> Andrea I'll try to populate the wiki better so that it leads into each
> design area and add more contact information and submission help so
> volunteers know how to subscribe to the marketing mailing list and post
> their proposals to the cwiki. Then we can blog saying we need designers for
> ideas and to help implement.
> This is going to take me a few days, I'm really busy in the next day or so.
> Samer
> On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 3:51 AM, Andrea Pescetti <>wrote:
>> On 23/02/2013 Rob Weir wrote:
>>> My advice:  continue pushing the effort forward, but avoid the
>>> perception of exclusion that comes by specifying a hard deadline,
>>> especially a sudden one.  The progress of AOO 4.0 will create its own
>>> practical deadline.
>> And my advice (in addition to agreeing with Rob on this): get exposure.
>> The text in
>> Apache+OpenOffice+4.0+Brand+**Refresh+Project<>
>> can be copied almost verbatim to a blog post that can generate awareness,
>> traffic and involvement, and perhaps a few unusable submissions, but also a
>> few good ones.
>> Choosing a new logo is an occasion to get more attention on one hand, and
>> a duty to inform current users on the other hand: we are changing a
>> well-known brand and this need proper communication.
>> I've already written this, but it would be good to add to
>> Apache+OpenOffice+4.0+Brand+**Refresh+Project<>(and
>>  to the possible blog post) some contact information, possibly the
>> marketing or dev list. If you tweak the text so that it can be used as a
>> blog post, I can take care of posting it to
>> Regards,
>>   Andrea.

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