Dear dev, I need to ask a technical question that I need answered in simple 
language. A step format is welcome. I am moving to UBUNTU. The issue is that 
OPEN OFFICE is NOT in the software manager screen. I was told it was 
deliberitly removed for technical reasons. In WINDOWS when I download/install I 
use the .EXE process. Which I like. If I use UBUNTU to open your web site, when 
I now download/install will the program show me the equivalent .DEB files? Is 
the process similar to the EXE format? I do not want to use command line if I 
can aviod it. Too foreign and hard for me to understand. Do all web site 
programs show the >DEB files as long as I use UBUNTU to open them? Please 
provide complete details in a step,format in simple language. Please tell me if 
the OO process also applies to any program opened in UBUNTU. I have researched 
this but all the explanations are in computer speak. I need it in simple 

Sincerely yours, 
marc orlando 
April 10, 2013 

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