Hi all,

2 fr tutorials, second version, date : 26.04.13

Status : draft, unofficial documentation

License : Alv2.0

"Découvrir OpenOffice – Environnement et commandes de base" 100 pages

General introduction to Apache OpenOfficeTM and the forks OOo4Kids and
OOoLight produced by educoo.org. Interface, basic commands and procedures
shared by Writer, Impress, Calc and Draw.



"Découvrir Impress" 60 pages

Impress tutorial



Intended to schools which are using OOo4Kids in the primary school and AOO
in College or Lycée level.

Easy to modify and adapt to personal needs. Based on Apache OpenOffice,
OOo4Kids/OOoLight specific parts clearly marked, simple skip them.

Feel free to reuse, modify and transform this material to fit your needs.

Tutorials on Calc and Writer are following in a couple of weeks.




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