Hi all,

For some users who don't use AOO  intensively, the software can sometimes
seem difficult to take in hands due to its  many features, and those people
may feel easily  "a little lost."
I am often asked if it could possible or not to manage three levels of
users through three different folders  profiles. Since I'm not a
programmer, I'm just wondering if an extension could take care of that by
installing three different profiles and allowing the user to switch from
one profile to another depending on the level of his expertise with the
software or as he  wants to do a work requiring no advanced features.  In
fact, there would be nothing really deleted in the application, simply
hidden features according to the user level.
I have used  in the past a PIM that worked like that, it was very nice.
Please, consider that this is not a feature request, I'm just trying to
find out about the difficulty of achieving such functionality.


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