Am 07/27/2013 03:33 PM, schrieb janI:
On 27 July 2013 14:36, Marcus (OOo)<>  wrote:

Am 07/27/2013 01:21 PM, schrieb janI:

  On 27 July 2013 12:52, Andrea Pescetti<>   wrote:

  On 22/07/2013 janI wrote:

  you should also have karma to reboot and/or restart the forum, which is
you need for a quick problem solving. when the vm_team was started we
mail with allowed commands from gncdonald (I might have copied the
commands). I dont have access to my old mails.

A few days ago I checked this with Infra (based on the old mails) and
indeed I cannot restart the machine or the servers. Infra took care of it
and, as far as I know, we should thank Infra for the current forums
stability. Remember that anyone can go on IRC at #asfinfra and notify
if there are problems; they are often very helpful even though the Forum
not one of their officially supported services.

Super, I hope they corrected it for the other vm_team members as well.

Infra has indeed been very helpfull in keeping our forum server alive, in
mid term however it is our own duty to maintain the vm and as good as
possible to prevent these drop outs.

I have been thinking about making a wiki page, which list all our services
(both infra provided and our own) and for each service have columns

- Who is technically maintaining the appl (typically a main person and
- Who is maintaining UI etc. (typically many people)
- Who is maintaining the vm (typically a main person and infra as backup)
- Who can restart the appl in case of a drop out (typically vm_team and

and of course who to contact in case of problems.

Would that be helpfull ?

ahm, not really if the Wiki is down and you want to see who is needed to
restore. ;-)

you got the golden 2ct, for the best reply of the could I
overlook something that obvious.

Oh, thanks. ;-)

I would prefer a webpage in our "" project space.
The websites are the most stable ones I can remember.


To keep it more in private - as names, IDs, mail address are mentioned -
do not link it anywhere.

you mean do not link to it from anywhere and just announce the url here on
the dev list ?

Due to the content I think the private@ ML is better.


  I do however think, I need to permission of the involved people to make
such a list ?

Depends on how many private data - needed to reach the respective people
directly and fast - we need to collect.

I would say apache id and IRC id. Mobile would be too much (at least for

jan I.

My 2 ct.


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