Am 07/31/2013 05:51 PM, schrieb Rob Weir:
We released AOO 4.0 on July 23nd, mid-day UTC.  We only have summary
data for full days, so the following is really for 6.5 days of AOO
4.0, through July 29th.

1,257,653 total downloads (full installs, not including langpacks).

In comparison, the 1st 7 days of AOO 3.4.0 saw around 750K downloads,
and the 1st week of AOO 3.4.1 saw 1.1M downloads.  So we're seeing
some nice growth.

In graphical form you can see it here:

Drilling down a little we see that the downloads were:

85% Windows
13% Mac
2% Linux

Of the Linux downloads, 57% were 32-bit,  43% were 64-bit.   49% took
the DEB packages, 51% the RPM.

The top 10 downloads by language were:

en_US 497,089
de 170,089
fr 148,619
it 88,931
ja 76,421
es 68,051
ru 52,756
en_GB 49,560
nl 20,649
pt_BR 18,341

Note also:  We're about it hit the 60 million mark for total AOO
downloads (all versions) probably by tomorrow.  The count stands at
59,739,479 yesterday.

Thanks for the numbers and charts. It's always again impressive to see these hard facts.


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