On 17 January 2014 09:26, Andre Fischer <awf....@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to present some ideas about how to improve the
> building of OpenOffice.  Maybe this can serve as a basis for a
> face-to-face discussion at FOSDEM.
Quite a nice idea, its more or less the base we use in the capstone project.

With the capstone project we try to convert the current system to a visual
studio solution, which are xml. The idea being that we can easy
1) convert it to a generic xml structure
2) build a vc and makefile generator (basically just a huge style sheet)

I was going to talk about it at FOSDEM, but due to some unfortunate (but
logical) clashes, preferred not to.

jan I.

> Makefiles in general and our build environment in particular have a
> declarative and an imperative part.  In short dependencies are declared
> and build recipes are given as instructions.  This is reflected by
> both our build systems.  For dmake we have makefile.mk files in all
> source directories.  They contain basically the names of libraries to
> build and c++ files to compile.  The recipes that define how to link
> and compile are located in solenv/inc/.  This is similar for gbuild.
> There are a couple of makefiles (named Makefile, Module...mk,
> Library...mk and so on) in the top level module directories.  They
> also just declare the set of files to compile or link.  The gbuild
> recipes can be found in solenv/gbuild/.
> This observation together with my (our) unhappiness of the current
> state of our build systems lead me to the following "insight". One
> obstacle when playing around with other build tools, like cmake or
> ninja or just plain GNU make makefiles (as opposed to our
> meta-programming gbuild files) is the syntax of how our dependencies
> are declared.  It would be so much easier when they would be stored in
> a file format that is both machine and human readable and not tied to
> one specific program.
> What if we used XML files to represent the dependencies?  We could
> convert the gbuild makefiles into XML files with very similar
> structure.  A simple Perl script or Java program (both understand XML
> and are part of our build prerequisites) can convert the XML file to
> gbuild files that would be almost identical to what we have today.
> And when we want to try alternatives, we can provide other converters
> and make experiments.  See [2] for an example.
> Such a converter could be more complex than just do a simple syntax
> translation.  For using ninja [1], which is described as "assembler"
> and has no %.o : %c rules and no if/else/fi, we would need more than
> that.  But still less than cmake because our compiler (and other build
> tool) detection is done by configure.
> Using XML files would probably not much of an overhead.  The
> translation into makefiles has to be done only when the makefile/XML
> representation changes.  The additional dependencies, one per current
> makefile (less than 10 in the average module), are negligible compare
> to the dependencies for several hundreds of source files and several
> thousands of headers.
> But again, this is not (yet) a proposal for change.
> Just the basis for discussion.
> It is also not (yet) a non-proposal for changing the build system
> completely.
> Just the idea to express our "business logic" in a way that is
> independent from the build system (whichever we use/will use).
> Best regards,
> Andre
> [1] http://martine.github.io/ninja/manual.html
> [2] Excerpt from sw/Library_sw.mk:
> $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_linked_libs,sw,\
>     avmedia \
>     basegfx \
>     comphelper \
>     ...
>     vcl \
>     vos3 \
>     xo \
>     $(gb_STDLIBS) \
> ))
> $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,sw,\
>     sw/source/core/SwNumberTree/SwNodeNum \
>     sw/source/core/SwNumberTree/SwNumberTree \
>     sw/source/core/access/acccell \
>     ...
>     sw/source/ui/wrtsh/wrtsh3 \
>     sw/source/ui/wrtsh/wrtsh4 \
>     sw/source/ui/wrtsh/wrtundo \
> ))
> ->
> <library="sw">
>     <linked-libraries>
>         <library-reference name="avmedia"/>
>         <library-reference name="basegfx"/>
>         <library-reference name="comphelper"/>
>         ...
>         <library-reference name="vcl"/>
>         <library-reference name="vos3"/>
>         <library-reference name="xo"/>
>         <library-reference variable="gb_STDLIBS"/>
>     </linked-libraries>
>     <source-files language="c++" exception_handling="yes">
>         <file name="sw/source/core/SwNumberTree/SwNodeNum.cxx"/>
>         <file name="sw/source/core/SwNumberTree/SwNumberTree"/>
>         <file name="sw/source/core/access/acccell"/>
>         ...
>         <file name="sw/source/ui/wrtsh/wrtsh3"/>
>         <file name="sw/source/ui/wrtsh/wrtsh4"/>
>            <file name="sw/source/ui/wrtsh/wrtundo"/>
>     </source-files>
> </library>
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