Am 05/27/2014 10:15 PM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
On 26/05/2014 Marcus (OOo) wrote:
Am 05/26/2014 10:34 PM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
I read his mail in this discussion as "when you publish, you always
publish the whole thing" ...
Sorry, I still can edit, update and publish a single file.
What's the problem to try again on your side?

OK, so I did this:
1) Committed a change to the Danish home page: directly with svn
2) (I manually added
"index.html" just in case)
3) Login via CMS bookmarklet
4) Click on [Edit] in the row for "index.html"
5) Click on [Update] on the top

Here the URL becomes
and I get:

Update complete

U usr/local/cms/wc/ooo-site/pescetti-XXYYZZ/trunk/content/da/index.html
Updated to revision 1597866.

And if I go to I see my

But then if I go to I see
many more differences than my change, including for example changes in

I didn't publish. But are you able now to do any other edits to the
website and get them published without publishing my changes to ? This would show that selective
publication is possible.

I've seen your changes as I've done mine in the same minutes. Great for testing this.

Now I've updated only my edited files. However in the diff (with your mentioned link above) I can see also your edits on the Danish webpage. And after my publish the Danish webpage has your changes.

So, I've not uncovered a hidden feature. Too bad. ;-)

But OK, mystery solved.


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