On 05/29/2014 04:38 PM, Marcus (OOo) wrote:
> Am 05/30/2014 12:55 AM, schrieb Kay Schenk:
>> On 05/29/2014 03:03 PM, Marcus (OOo) wrote:
>>> OK, here is another update:
>>> http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/index_droplist.html
>> I like it! This seems very versatile for us. also see below ...
> thanks. :-)
> Please see also my separate mail with a design question.
>>> What was updated?
>>> - Disabled the old green box for now. Put the focus to the new.
>>> - Using the $NL_LANG variable in "index.html" will pre-set a language
>>>    instead of using the browser-guessed language.
>>> - Added hint text - directly below the headline - that the download
>>>    comes from Sourceforge.
>>> - Added data for 4.0.1 and 4.0.0, so all 4.x versions are working.
>>> - The 2 links with icons got a cursor with "help" sign.
>>> - When choosing not fitting selections, this is shown to the user with a
>>>    hint text what the alternative is.
>>>    Then 2 download buttons got a cursor with "not allowed" sign.
>>>    Examples:
>>>    - Mac OS X 64-bit and AOO 4.0.1 or AOO 4.0.0
>>>    - Mac OS X 32-bit and AOO 4.1.0
>>>    - Hebrew and AOO 4.0.1
>>> - When browsing with an unsupported OS (that means, other than Windows,
>>>    Linux and Mac) then the user gets a hint text that this is not
>>>    supported and what to do as alternative.
>>>    Then 2 download buttons got a cursor with "not allowed" sign.
>>> What is next?
>>> - Do we want to offer AOO 3.4.1 as last stable 3.x release?
>>> - Updating the "Full vs. Langpack" text in separate window.
>>> - Updating the "analyze.html" webpage to use it as "broken link
>>>    reporting tool".
>>> - Separate code and strings.
>>>    Then it will be easier to use the same download webpage on all
>>>    localized websites, get the same look&  feel everywhere but with the
>>>    freedom to translate the text.
>>> Testing:
>>> - Testing via Browsershots.org is somewhat challenging. Often the
>>>    requests are expiring before the screenshots are ready.
>> I am having some slight formatting issues. Not all text that I think is
>> supposed to fit in the green box is actually IN the green box. Maybe due
>> to my font size preferences or resolution. I will send you a screenshot.
> Thanks for the screenshot.
> In the sub-green box between the left and right part of text + links,
> there has to be some space. If this is not available, the text is
> wrapped-up.
> Also the text in the both light-blue boxes on the bottom, the text is
> wrapped-up.
> Furthermore the footer text is wrapped-up into 3 lines instead of 2.
> I can see all problems also with Browsershots.org. There the browser
> windows are clearly too small.
> Do you use a smaller screen resolution?

My resolution is 1920x1080

> The browser window is not full screen?

correct...I almost never do full screen

> Do you have a bigger zoom factor active in the browser? Then use [Ctrl]
> + [0] (or similar) to normalize.

well, my eyes are not the best. So, I have a larger minimize font than a
lot of folks I guess. And, I don't want to change that.

I was hoping this could be helped by some CSS changes, but...maybe not :/

> Marcus
>>>    And still no IE available. :-(
>>>    But it looks good so far on Windows, Linux and Mac with Firefox,
>>>    Chrome, Opera and Safari.
>>> Do you still have some more suggestions?
>>> Thanks :-)
>>> Marcus
>>> Am 05/19/2014 12:47 AM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
>>>> This weekend just a little update as I was not able to do more work
>>>> (healthy problem):
>>>> http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/index_droplist.html
>>>> - The [Reset] button is gone.
>>>> - Styled the 3 select boxes as the default look&  feel is, hm, just
>>>> default. ;-)
>>>> - Styled the both download buttons more eye-catching. To keep it simply
>>>> I've intentionally avoided to use graphics as I think a text button is
>>>> better suited here.
>>>> - The icons and links for "full install vs. langpack info" and "Report
>>>> broken link" were moved to the sub-green box. Because it's terrible
>>>> difficult to keep the text and link status correctly updated for
>>>> different selected values.
>>>> Marcus
>>>> Am 05/04/2014 06:37 PM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
>>>>> Another update, seems this weekend I've my productive phase: ;-)
>>>>> http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/index_droplist.html
>>>>> What was done:
>>>>> - Grey box:
>>>>> - Bye, bye grey color - hello green freshness.
>>>>> - The select boxes are prefilled with the browser guessed data.
>>>>> - The information link has now a (i) icon.
>>>>> - Added a "Report broken link" - pointing to the debug webpage.
>>>>> The icon alone is maybe not meaningful enough, therefore an
>>>>> additional text link.
>>>>> (Of course the debug webpage needs further work to really work as
>>>>> report function.)
>>>>> - All not primary important data are now in the sub-box.
>>>>> Now it looks more clean.
>>>>> - Green box:
>>>>> - All not primary important data are now in the sub-box.
>>>>> Now it looks more clean and the focus is set for downloading only.
>>>>> - Links:
>>>>> - I've moved and deleted links and also adjusted the headlines.
>>>>> - In the nav bar as well as in the colored boxes.
>>>>> - Of course it's just a suggestion and can be discussed/changed.
>>>>> What is not yet working:
>>>>> - The version drop-down-box has still no effect for others than 4.1.0.
>>>>> It's a bigger effort as I've to take into account every
>>>>> available build for every release in the past.
>>>>> - The [Reset] button is now not working as expected, however maybe
>>>>> it's indeed no longer necessary?
>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>> What are the next steps:
>>>>> - Make the version drop-down-box work for older releases.
>>>>> - Improve the styling of the both download links.
>>>>> - Combine the both green boxes.
>>>>> - And further suggestions from you.
>>>>> Thanks in advance for testing. :-)
>>>>> Marcus
>>>>> Am 05/03/2014 12:41 AM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
>>>>>> I've done some further work.
>>>>>> http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/index_droplist.html
>>>>>> What is working:
>>>>>> - Filesizes are shown for selected full install + langpack.
>>>>>> - Checksum links are shown for selected full install + langpack.
>>>>>> - When choices are done a little help icon is shown. Click on it
>>>>>> to get
>>>>>> to a help text for "full install vs. langpack".
>>>>>> - Some release data is shown like in the green box.
>>>>>> What is not yet working:
>>>>>> - The version dropdown box has no effect yet but it shows already how
>>>>>> it could work (likely).
>>>>>> - I've not tested with all browsers. So, maybe something is not
>>>>>> working.
>>>>>> What are the next steps:
>>>>>> - Reduce the additional links in the green box and re-work in the
>>>>>> right
>>>>>> hand nav bar - delete duplicates, change order/positions, delete if
>>>>>> not needed here, etc.
>>>>>> In general, this should result in a clean-up.
>>>>>> - Make the version drop-down box work to choose from older releases.
>>>>>> After that I'll publish a new update to the webpage and go on with
>>>>>> your
>>>>>> further comments and suggestions.
>>>>>> So, please have a look and don't hesitate to comment.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Marcus
>>>>>> Am 04/29/2014 12:40 AM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your input.
>>>>>>> A few of them (delete some obviously not needed text, make the
>>>>>>> choice
>>>>>>> order of the drop-dwn boxes irrelevant) are already committed.
>>>>>>> But the
>>>>>>> most need more time.
>>>>>>> Please don't expect to have this full-featured for the AOO 4.1.0
>>>>>>> release. I need more time to do all this. Luckily the need work-free
>>>>>>> days are coming. :-)
>>>>>>> Marcus
>>>>>>> Am 04/27/2014 08:19 PM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> while enjoying the Easter time I made some progress about a
>>>>>>>> long-term
>>>>>>>> problem:
>>>>>>>> - Downloading the offered file via the green box is fast and easy
>>>>>>>> - Downloading a different file than the offered is not
>>>>>>>> Via the big table on the "other.html" is now easy to maintain
>>>>>>>> for us
>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>> has no improvement for the user as it is large and complex.
>>>>>>>> Therefore I've thought of making another offer directly on the main
>>>>>>>> download webpage:
>>>>>>>> http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/download/test/index_droplist.html
>>>>>>>> Please don't look too close to look&  feel - sure the grey color is
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> the best one ;-) - this can and will be improved for sure.
>>>>>>>> For now please have a look for the functionality via the drop-down
>>>>>>>> boxes
>>>>>>>> and the then created links below them.
>>>>>>>> What do you think? is this a direction we can/should go in general?
>>>>>>>> Or do you have complete different thoughts?
>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>>> Marcus
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