Hi Don,

This is great work, thanks!

I’m going to try this on our Buildbot tomorrow.


> On 15 Jul 2015, at 6:33 pm, Don Lewis <truck...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On 15 Jul, Don Lewis wrote:
>> I'll install clang35 from ports and try again.
> Success!
> This is with trunk r1690992 and no additional patches.
> ***********************************************************
> Successful packaging process!
> ***********************************************************
>    copying log file to 
> /tmp/openoffice/aoo-4.2.0/main/instsetoo_native/unxfbsdx.pro/Apache_OpenOffice/archive/install/log/log_AOO420_en-US.log
> stopping log at Wed Jul 15 13:40:58 2015
> Here is my build script:
> autoconf
> CPP=clang-cpp35 CC=clang35 CXX=clang++35 CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include 
> LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib ./configure  --with-jdk-home=/usr/local/openjdk7 
> --with-gperf=/usr/bin/gperf --with-gnu-patch=/usr/local/bin/gpatch 
> --x-includes=/usr/local/include --x-libraries=/usr/local/lib --disable-gconf 
> --disable-gnome-vfs --without-junit --enable-verbose --without-stlport 
> --enable-category-b --disable-odk --with-system-zlib --with-system-stdlibs 
> --disable-gstreamer --with-system-libxml --with-system-openssl 
> --with-package-format=archive
> ./bootstrap
> . FreeBSDAMDEnv.Set.sh
> cd instsetoo_native/util
> LIBINTL_PREFIX=/usr/local build.pl --all
> To get this working on the buildbot:
>  1) Install the clang35 pkg
>  2) Pass CPP, CC, and CXX to configure
>  3) Do not pass CPPFLAGS or LDFLAGS to build
>  4) Pass LIBINTL_PREFIX to build
> The first two steps are only needed on FreeBSD 10 amd64.  The base
> compiler works properly on i386.  The base compiler in FreeBSD 11 works
> properly on both amd64 and i386.
> Bonus points for fixing configure to add LIBINTL_PREFIX to the
> environment.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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