To whom it may concern,

I hope that english is the right language to use here. We use OpenOffice in
our company to create job application samples, which can be downloaded for
free on one of our websites ( <> ). We
would like to be added to the "Referenzkunden" list on Our main office
is in Bochum, Germany. Is there anything specific that we need to do? I can
provide all the needed details (Kunde, Adresse, Kontakt, Bemerkung) in an
additional e-mail.



Jan Werk

webschmiede GmbH

Pieperstr. 37

D-44789 Bochum


Geschäftsführer: Stefan Gerth, Holger Manzke
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Bochum HRB 13390
Umsatzsteuer ID: DE277878564


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