
On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 9:38 PM Jörg Schmidt <joe...@j-m-schmidt.de> wrote:

> Any claim that a continuous code base down to StarWriter for DOS could
> exist is technically and factually absurd, because there is no technical
> continuation of the DOS code base of Starwriter and also the code base at
> the transition from StarOffice 5.x to StarOffice 6.0/OOo 1.0.0 was renewed
> by SUN Microsystems so seriously that factually there is no continuity of
> e.g. API or file format.

The code demonstrably has starting points that are 30 years old as stated.
For example, see /main/tools/source/generic/gen.cxx
which includes plenty of code from the early 90s, including the various
methods for Rectangle created 19.03.90 by Thomas Hosemann at and after line

Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice have a heritage that demonstrably
stretches past their inception, past the inception of their predecessor
OpenOffice.org, back 30+ years of continuously-improved source code,
arguably right back to the Z80 code Marco wrote in 1985 (although that is
not claimed here).  Even with outdated code and comments removed (as has
largely happened in LibreOffice) we still have a Ship of Theseus situation.
The statement for FrOSCon seems perfectly sound to me.



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