Вадим Владимирович wrote:
> Hello, people.
> I faced 3 veri big problems usin Formulas in OOffice 1.9.104:
> 1) If there are many formulas thay can chage by thair own wish. For 
> example, you wrote two formulas and the first may change context to the 
> second's.
> 2) It may change format (huge symbols, blanc etc.). Only when you click 
> it, open and close formula editor, it became correct during next bug.
> 3) Problems when copy/paste formula (as object) =>  first bug is too 
> stronger.
> 4) When exporting to MS Office XP *.doc format I could not edit formulas 
> in MS Office. It became blank when I click it.

If you have a reproducable scenario (may be with a particular document)
it would be great if you filed an issue for each of the problems you
encountered. The bugs you described are not specific enough, they don't
appear always and easily.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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