Hi all

Following the OOoCon, i will setup the new incubtaor project i proposed on my presentation

to sumarize, the purpose is not to compete with api project but to help it, puting a bridge from new addons developpers to it.

The new incubator project will adresse these points

- help new commers to deal with first steps in addon production
Help in their naive-lang may be nedded
- build generic tools implementing best-pratices for each scripting languages so that a maximum number of addons share the same developping guidelines and same look and feel
- provides a browsable repository
- provides a tool for users to install in 'one-click' an addon from a list

see the presentation for more details

The long term goal is to bring OOo usefull features through addon (in whatever language supported) and integrate it in OOo if popular

You are all welcommed on board. There is a lot of work to do and not especially hard coding but also translation and new commer welcoming Obviously, some volunteers dealing with basic, python, java, c++ are welcommed to help building the tools (i say, a generic wizard, translation mechanism compatible with OOo translation tools ...)

For now, it appears that this incubator needs a new name as it is more than scripting and we need something that identifies all the concerned levels (dev, repository, end-users)

Here are the propositions

- addon.openoffice.org (already 1 vote)
- extensions.openoffice.org (already 3 votes)
- scripting.openoffice.org (already 0 vote)  -i leave it in case

We are actually discussing on the dev@scripting.openoffice.org mailing list. Feel free to join the discussion there I plan to close this discussion on friday and move to the new <putTheNameHere>.openoffice.org list when up

Thanks again and join us


Laurent Godard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Ingénierie OpenOffice.org
Indesko >> http://www.indesko.com
Nuxeo CPS >> http://www.nuxeo.com - http://www.cps-project.org
Livre "Programmation OpenOffice.org", Eyrolles 2004

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