Hi Mathias,

> I know that someone successfully used a trick to achieve modality: when
> her started his Java dialog he created a 1 pixel sized modal dialog with
> the OOo toolkit with the current OOo window as parent and moved it to
> the upper left corner of the screen. This will create the desired modal
> mode.

yes, the modal-mode works using the following code,  but I don't know
how to return from the xInfoBox.execute() method in a programmatic
way. I need to stop the execution of the infobox-dialog when my
jframe-dialog returns. I already tried to use dispose() on the
XComponent-Interface of xInfoBox from a different thread, but that
caused OOo to crash.

       ... create Toolkit ...

      // describe the info box ini it's parameters
      com.sun.star.awt.WindowDescriptor aDescriptor = new
      aDescriptor.WindowServiceName = "infobox";
      aDescriptor.Bounds = new com.sun.star.awt.Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 200);
      aDescriptor.WindowAttributes = com.sun.star.awt.WindowAttribute.BORDER
                                     | com.sun.star.awt.WindowAttribute.MOVEABLE
      aDescriptor.Type = com.sun.star.awt.WindowClass.MODALTOP;
      aDescriptor.ParentIndex = 1;
      aDescriptor.Parent = (com.sun.star.awt.XWindowPeer) UnoRuntime
          .queryInterface(com.sun.star.awt.XWindowPeer.class, frame

      // create the info box window
      com.sun.star.awt.XWindowPeer xPeer = xKit.createWindow(aDescriptor);
      com.sun.star.awt.XMessageBox xInfoBox =
(com.sun.star.awt.XMessageBox) UnoRuntime
          .queryInterface(com.sun.star.awt.XMessageBox.class, xPeer);
      if (xInfoBox == null) return null;

      // fill it with all given informations and show it

any ideas?

A particular API for modality would be fine!

best regards,

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