Henrik Sundberg wrote:
> 2005/12/31, Volker Quetschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>I was trying to do as it is said in
>>> but that can never have worked then (the cvs update part).
>>Do you mean:
>> <http://tools.openoffice.org/dev_docs/build_windows_tcsh.html#GetTheSourceCode>
>>  ?
> Yes.
>>That seems OK to me. If you have proposals (or rewritten passages) for that 
>>just post and I'll commit them.
> I'll try to, if I eventually understands whats happening.
> Do you think I should try with an older version of cvs? Which?

Nah, any cvs version should do. Sometimes there were spurious
errors (propably on the server or the network) that weren't reproducible
on a second try. I doubt that the actual cvs client is to blame.


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