Hi Stephan,

On Wed, Feb 01, 2006 at 17:52:30 +0100, Stephan Bergmann wrote:

> >>When we are done with warnings01, we should have most warnings in the
> >>default warning level. People don't have to use wall=tr anymore, so this
> >>one could be a candidate for some extra warning in wall=tr....
> >
> >+1
> >
> >  Eike
> +-0,
> as the past has shown that any such mechanism that is not actively 
> maintained over time becomes unusable through too much noise (see 
> assertions; the current, pre-warnings01 wall=1; maybe also memory leaks 
> at program termination time).

I jumped in on that so quickly because I almost always use wall=t when
compiling a source I just edited from within the editor. Which of course
is quite a pain sometimes, arising from lower modules not in my scope at
that time.. At least having the non-virtual-dtor warning, or any other
warning we have to disable because of certain files can't be changed for
compatibility reasons but are not included frequently, in wall=t is
better than disabling it completely. One should always be able to
override it though, in case it gets too annoying in some scenario.

I wonder whether awareness of the need to use mechanisms like wall=t and
assertions _and fix_ occurences can be raisen.


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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