--- Jens-Heiner Rechtien
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> > 2.0.1 source tarball. It's an directory unotools
> > there, but no unodevtools. I just started another
> > try to compile that tarball and for this adventure
> > I additionally checked out unodevtools via CVS.
> > it help.
> Ah, bug in the creation script for the source tar
> balls. Now we get somewhere. I'll forward this.

Thanks. But would be astounding if no one else tried
to compile from that tarball for two month. Maybe
someone did and gave up silently.

But ok, seems the manually added unodevtools directory
worked for me: The build process went through this
night and unodevtools/unxfbsd.pro is populated.

> >>Epm creates the rpm-archives, that's the regular
> >>way to obtain installation sets.

Well, it didn't create a rpm. It created a load of
files like

Extracting all of these into one directory and calling
soffice works.

> People usually install a version and copy files into
> the installation (symlinks are nice here).
> But to officially pass your work to QA you'll need
> an installation set anyway. Also the automated
> smoketest requires at least one installation set.

One time a full install would be ok of course. Need to
find out what file to copy/link, but that should be
more easy.

Thanks so far for your help and patience.
I guess I'll shout^Wcome again if tweaking the source
and compiling/running doesn't work.



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