Hi Bernhard,

I have a small Java application that uses OO (started with parameter -invisible) to open or print OO - Files without user interaction. The user normally edits the opened document and closes it after he/she finished his/her work. Here is my problem! In OO1 the application disappeared after the user closed (menu file/close) the last document. In OO2 the application stays visible. Can I make OO2 to behave like OO1? Can I make OO invisible by API calls? I tried to cast my desktop object to XFrame and called ooDesktop.getXFrame().getComponentWindow().setVisible(false); but this ended OO instead of making it invisible and my next API call gets this exception: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" com.sun.star.lang.DisposedException: java_remote_bridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] is disposed What can I do?

you could start the office with the parameter -headless instead of -invisible ... this should also work with OOo1.x

Hope that helps



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