Hi Roger,

Roger Blum wrote:
Hi Cedric,

Thanks for your reply.

"Cedric Bosdonnat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Roger,

Roger Blum a écrit :

I have a rather general question about the possibility to use the UNO
framework for the development of a client/server application (stand alone,
not as part of openoffice).
Thus UNO will be used thanks to the URE (UNO Runtime Environment).

This is correct.

I 'm currently looking for a framework to use for the development of a
client/server application to process/analyze tabular data with (among
others) the following properties:
- use of different data sources (different DBMS, local and remote files in
different formats)
- handling of large datasets (millions of records)
- different clients (local and remote GUI, web)
- generate textual and graphical reports
- extensibility through plugins
There are many C++ and Java libraries performing some of these tasks
(may be python too).

I am aware that there are other libraries that can do part of what I will need. But I have found no other framework delivering all the functionality. I would have to use several different libraries and I really prefer to have just one. I 've also checked out QT but it's non-free licensing model (for closed source commercial development) makes it impossible to use it. Do you know about other freely available frameworks with comparable functionality?

Does UNO provide all the functionality to develop this kind of application? Do you know of an other FREE framework that is more suited for what I intend
to do?
UNO and the URE will not bring you a direct support of different
clients, or generate reports. In your case UNO will be used as Corba or
ICE. That is that your framework can be split into components performing
specific tasks (eg, reporting component, GUI components, ...) and they
will expose an API which can be used by anyother component in different
implementation languages, or on different machines. You can even
establish a connection to a UNO environment throught a network, but I
never tested it with the URE...

I hope to get more than just an object broker and the possibility of distributed execution of the components. In fact I see the main advantage in reusing existing components for a lot of tasks (accessing data sources, generating charts, generating textual/graphical reports, etc.). Do I need an OOo installation for this or can the components bundeled as libraries when deploying the application?
yes, at the moment you need an OOo installation for a lot of functions like charts, textual/graphical reports etc. The URE supports only the core UNO functionality with some basic components/helpers to support a working component framework (middleware). You describe (and you would like to use) a future picture where an URE is the central entry point where service providers have registered there
components (functionality) and other components (applications) can use it.
Currently it is only possible to use an OOo installation running as a server and use it as an central UNO ORB to get and use the offered functionality.

Here is some documentation about the URE and UNO:

Thanks for the links, I have checked them out and there seems to be at least some information around. Do you know of anybody who uses UNO for this kind of development or is it only used as part of OOo?

An external company use UNO (the URE) as the component technology for there own software system (framework of distributed components). They did an independent search for component technology on the net and started an independent evaluation of features and performance of several technologies (CORBA, XPCOM and some others). And the result was that they came back to us becasue UNO offers the best performance for their use cases and the best feature set.

I'm currently working on an Eclipse plugin to support development of UNO
components. For the moment it works only with an OpenOffice.org
installation and Java implementation, but I planned to support the URE
before June (C++ will come later).

I sure will have a look at your plugin from time to time. As development will be in C++ I hope C++ support will be there soon.

I hope that we can provide a similar support for NetBeans as well. An offical C++ plugin for NetBeans is planned for NetBeans 5.5 as far as i know and i we are working on a general plugin for NetBeans.


I hope this could help you to make your decision.

Thanks again,

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