Mathias Bauer wrote:
Philipp Lohmann - Sun Germany wrote:
That is as correct as useless. :-)

Ok, you win. Excuse my being alive. ;-)

If anybody has a better idea that can prevent the occurence of our bug
by fixing something in VCL please let us know. This would save us the
investigation and fixing of all the other cases shown by Carsten. Please
consider that Carsten only showed us the places where the link is used,
we still have to look for cases where the overwriting of GetFocus() is
used, something that will be time consuming. It would be nice to save
all this time for other tasks.

Calling Hide() on the dialog before destroying might also be used to force the focus out of the window (this should move the focus to the nex overlapping window, in this case i assume this should be the document). However this is obviously also something we cannot do in vcl.

Kind regards, pl

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