Ma parole, mais il y a du monde, ici ...


I was pointing the fact that the French version of Ooo is sent without a French spell-checker, and, more problematic, that if you do not know about it, if you ask a spell-check, you are answered that it is done, supposing there is no mistake, even if you willingly inserted two or three mistakes per word.

Gilles informed me the absence of spell checker is due to a problem of license -this surprised me as I had nothing to pay to get the spell-checker once I downloaded it. He added that a few matters like that arise after installing Ooo (fonts, styles, anchors ...), and proposes to organize meetings with users to point out the different things to do after installing.

As I already have different meetings to attend for different other problems that we could classify as politics, supposing I am not alone in this case I proposed these matters could also be presented on a HTML page that could be proposed besides the download -e.g. the download sites often propose to add a comment to a software they propose for download.

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