Hi Tor,

Tor Lillqvist wrote:
> ti 2006-09-26 klockan 00:56 -0400 skrev Volker Quetschke:
>> You have to use
>>   --disable-activex
>> or the build will fail at one point.
> Is that the --disable-activex from CWS tml04 (which I have largely been
> ignoring working on, 

No, it's an independent implementation that. tml04 also disables ole
stuff but this switch might already solve the problems you try to fix
in that CWS.

Please try! That switch should also work with the usual .NET 2003 builds.

> .. it needs to be resynced to a current milestone etc)
> (the same stuff as in ooo-build patch "win32-activex-disable.diff") or
> does some other CWS, or the master code, nowadays already have such a
> switch?

Quite a few things would have to be changed in that CWS (read my comment there)
so I decided I just name the work that Oliver already had done, namely
disabling ActiveX, --disable-activex.

If that switch is not enough to solve your tml04 problem we should add
another --disable-someOle or so to disable the missing pieces.


= http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Debug_Build_Problems  =
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