New Master Workspace for OOo 2.2 Release opened
=============================================== release 2.2 is approaching, see

This brings some changes in CWS handling:

*Choosing CWS Release*
Owners of child workspaces not meant for the next release should set its 'Release' field to the next feature release. In this case its OOo 2.3. This holds true for child workspaces introducing new features. Only bug fix issues with target OOo 2.2 should be fixed in 2.2-Release CWS.

*Choosing Master Workspace*
We have opened a new code line to stabilize for OOo 2.2, called OOF680. First milestone OOF680 m1 will be available soon. When opening a new child workspace for 2.2 Release (see above) OOF680 should be choosen as master workspace. For 2.3 bound child workspaces please take SRC680 as usual. If in doubt, use SRC680. In any way release engineering will take care that all CWSs integrated for 2.2 additionally get integrated for 2.3, too.

*Approving / Nominating a CWS*
Child workspaces for the upcoming release need explicit nomination by a project lead or a member of the Release Committee. Status history than looks like new -> ready for QA -> approved by QA -> nominated -> integrated. Childworkspaces for OOo 2.3, to be integrated into SRC680 only, do not know the 'approved by QA' state. QA representatives directly set them to 'nominated', i.e. we have new -> ready for QA -> nominated -> integrated. See

A general picture of our current release model and how it relates to code lines is given in
(Please note that the sketch given there correctly describes the principle of opening seperate code lines for releases but has incorrect dates.)


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