Mike Grigorov wrote:
I posted this question in the API forum first - http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=52286 , but it seems I have stuck
deeper than I thought and will need developer's point of view.
As described in thread the expected scheme is that my application will start an
OO instance in every user's session when needed and will fill and show a Writer document in it. For this purpose each instance is started with command line given
a different port for each user (or in my second attempt with pipes - a different
pipe name). Thus I expect that the scheme is single threaded because for each instance of OO there is only one connection from one user.

When your application starts multiple soffice they are all running for the same user (the one running your application), each checks whether an soffice is already running for that user and hands its arguments over to the already running one and then terminates. So, you end up with a single soffice that services all your connections. You need to make sure that all the soffice instances are kept distinct (and operate on different OOo user installations)---I think there are some command line switches for that, but don't know them off the top of my head.



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