blueeagle wrote:
>> Hi carsten,Hi peter,Hi all,
>> I have added a new freture named "Preview Web_Html"In the
>> This feature can be described as follows:
>> Added a new menu item in the File menu which named 'Web Html'. This menu 
>> item can make the current document browsed in web page. text, picture and 
>> media that can be edit in the document are all can be browsed successful. 
>> you can discuss and give me your opinion in this 
>> page:
>> You also can download the Specification in the 
>> page.
>> don't hesitate to point out if there are still some unseemliness.

Hi LiuTao,

I read your specification on the wiki server. From my point of view your
feature specification is in a good shape. The only thing I miss is a
string table where you describe the user interface strings. There you
have to add the English and Chinese strings for your new menu entry.

Could you please write an issue using IssueZilla, set the type to
"FEATURE", set "cd" as owner and add your code changes as a diff. I will
check your changes and if I don't find anything critical we can add your
feature to one of our CWS for 2.3.


Carsten Driesner (cd) - Project Lead Framework
Framework wiki: Engineering at Sun:

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