Hello when building Localized SR-YU OOo 2.1 build breaks. I could not find anything similar in mailing lists
here is the output of break in shell module
any ideas tnx :)

mv ../../../../wntmsci11.pro/misc/shlxthdl/shlxthdl.ulf.wntmsci11.pro ../../../.
/bin/rm -f ../../../../wntmsci11.pro/misc/shlxthdl/shlxthdl.ulf.wntmsci11.pro guw.exe ../../../../wntmsci11.pro/bin/lngconvex.exe -ulf ../../../../wntmsci11.p ro/misc/shlxthdl/shlxthdl.ulf -rc ../../../../wntmsci11.pro/res/shlxthdl.rc -rct
rctmpl.txt -rch rcheader.txt -rcf rcfooter.txt
Making: ../../../../wntmsci11.pro/res/shlxthdl.res
guw.exe rc -I. -I../../../../wntmsci11.pro/inc/shlxthdl -I/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/ MICROS~4/include/mfc -I../inc -I../../../../inc/pch -I../../../../inc -I../../.. /../WIN/inc -I../../../../wntmsci11.pro/inc -I. -I/cygdrive/c/src/OOE680_m6/solv er/680/wntmsci11.pro/inc/stl -I/cygdrive/c/src/OOE680_m6/solver/680/wntmsci11.pr o/inc/external -I/cygdrive/c/src/OOE680_m6/solver/680/wntmsci11.pro/inc -I/cygdr ive/c/src/OOE680_m6/solenv/wntmsci11/inc -I/cygdrive/c/src/OOE680_m6/solenv/inc -I/cygdrive/c/src/OOE680_m6/res -I/cygdrive/c/src/OOE680_m6/solver/680/wntmsci11 .pro/inc/stl -I/cygdrive/c/J2SDK1~1.2_1/include/win32 -I/cygdrive/c/J2SDK1~1.2_1 /include -I/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/include -I/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/MICROS~2 /VC/include -I/cygdrive/c/src/OOE680_m6/solver/680/wntmsci11.pro/inc/offuh - I. -I../../../../res -I. -I/cygdrive/c/src/OOE680_m6/solver/680/wntmsci11.pro/re s -I/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/include/atl -I/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/in clude/mfc -r -DWIN32 -fo../../../../wntmsci11.pro/res/shlxthdl.res ../../../../

..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(265) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1014(0x3F6) - "??????" already defined. Cannot add 1014(0x3F6) -
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(266) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1036(0x40C) - "??????:" already defined. Cannot add 1036(0x40C) -
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(267) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1015(0x3F7) - "????" already defined. Cannot add 1015(0x3F7) - "?
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(268) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1037(0x40D) - "????:" already defined. Cannot add 1037(0x40D) - "
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(269) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1016(0x3F8) - "?????" already defined. Cannot add 1016(0x3F8) - "
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(270) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1038(0x40E) - "?????:" already defined. Cannot add 1038(0x40E) -
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(271) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1017(0x3F9) - "?????? ????" already defined. Cannot add 1017(0x3F
9) - "?????? ????".
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(272) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1018(0x3FA) - "?????????" already defined. Cannot add 1018(0x3FA)
- "?????????".
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(273) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1045(0x415) - "?????????:" already defined. Cannot add 1045(0x415
) - "?????????:".

..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(274) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1019(0x3FB) - "????????" already defined. Cannot add 1019(0x3FB)
- "????????".
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(275) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1020(0x3FC) - "??????" already defined. Cannot add 1020(0x3FC) -
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(276) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1021(0x3FD) - "???????" already defined. Cannot add 1021(0x3FD) -
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(277) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1039(0x40F) - "???????" already defined. Cannot add 1039(0x40F) -
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(278) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1022(0x3FE) - "OLE ???????" already defined. Cannot add 1022(0x3F
E) - "OLE ???????".
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(279) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1023(0x3FF) - "?????????" already defined. Cannot add 1023(0x3FF)
- "?????????".
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(280) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1024(0x400) - "????" already defined. Cannot add 1024(0x400) - "?
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(281) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1025(0x401) - "???????" already defined. Cannot add 1025(0x401) -
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(282) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1026(0x402) - "??????" already defined. Cannot add 1026(0x402) -

..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(283) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1027(0x403) - "???????" already defined. Cannot add 1027(0x403) -
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(284) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1028(0x404) - "??????" already defined. Cannot add 1028(0x404) -
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(285) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1029(0x405) - "???????" already defined. Cannot add 1029(0x405) -
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(286) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1030(0x406) - "??????" already defined. Cannot add 1030(0x406) -
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(287) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1041(0x411) - "?????" already defined. Cannot add 1041(0x411) - "

..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(288) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1046(0x416) - "?????:" already defined. Cannot add 1046(0x416) -
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(289) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1042(0x412) - "???? ????????" already defined. Cannot add 1042(0x
412) - "???? ????????".
..\..\..\..\wntmsci11.pro\res\shlxthdl.rc(290) : error RC2151 : cannot reuse str ing constants, 1043(0x413) - "?????? ????? ?????????" already defined. Cannot ad
d 1043(0x413) - "?????? ????? ?????????".
dmake: Error code 27, while making '../../../../wntmsci11.pro/res/shlxthdl.res'

---* tg_merge.mk *---

ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while making /cygdrive/c/src/OOE680_m6/shell/source/

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