On Thu, 2007-04-19 at 14:49 +0200, Jan Navratil wrote:

> IIRC this return a currently active document. So, it is supposed Calc to 
> be open.
I'm experimenting with the API via Basic using a calc sheets macro
ability to call the routines.

> > When doc is initialized, what object exactly is it associated with? 
> > Is it a com.sun.star. (document or container or sheet or ...) what?

> document

If I initialize an object to StarDesktop and then use DBG_Methods on it,
it shows that I have a StarDesktop object as expected. If I then
initialize another object with StarDesktop.currentComponent within a
spreadsheet document and use DBG_Methods on it, it shows I have
something called ScModelObj. Very confusing since a search of the API
can't find any reference to that thing.

What I'm trying to do is get a map of the API set that shows ALL the
methods, properties, etc and how they interconnect. This started when I
went looking for the object called "Sheets" as in document.Sheets, and
DBG_Methods does indeed reveal that Sheets is a part of document, but
the API docs never show it. How is one supposed to use the docs to know
that a thing called Sheets exists?

I'm getting in a few books from Amazon to try to answer these questions,
but I was hoping the doc at openoffice.org would at least have a
complete set of specs for the API, and that doesn't appear to be the
case or I'm too ignorant to figure it out.

Bill Gradwohl

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