Hi Stephan,

waitpid, wait3, wait4 etc. should also terminate when a signal for which an signal handler has been installed is being called so what about installing a signal handler for SIGUSR1 start an additional timer thread then call waitpid in the main thread without WNOHANG and have that timer thread send you a SIGUSR1 after the timeout. Provided we are not already using SIGUSR1 for any other feature yet.

Kind regards,
Bernd Eilers

Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Hi all,

If you look closer, osl/process.h appears to be a poorly thought out interface. One you cannot reasonably implement on Unix. Or what am I missing?

Among others, osl/process.h has osl_executeProcess, osl_terminateProcess, and osl_joinProcessWithTimeout.

On Unix, osl_executeProcess obviously needs to initiate the fork(2) (and there obviously needs to be some mapping between the child pid returned by fork and the oslProcess returned by osl_executeProcess).

osl_terminateProcess, to be of any use, needs to send a kill(2) to the child pid. However, it must never do so after a waitpid(2) for that pid has returned successfully.

How, then, do you implement osl_joinProcessWithTimeout? It needs to call waitpid(2). Since there is no "waitpid with timeout" in Unix, it moves the waitpid into an extra thread. But how can osl_terminateProcess and the extra thread do the necessary synchronization?

Can the osl/process.h interface only be implemented correctly with waitpid WNOHANG and polling? POLLING?!? Please tell me I am missing the obvious.


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