
first of all I'm new to this group. I hope I'm not complete OT and I beg

you to tell me if I do anything wrong in this group.

Now to my question: I managed to develop a new component implementing
the Service AddIn and the first AddIn-Function I wrote took a string as
argument and returns a double. That was my first test and it works well.

Now - beginning the real quest - I want to write an Add-In-Function
taking a cell as Argument and returning another cell as result. Such a
function would be very needful for me as an auxilliaryfunction. My
problem is $subject - You could not have an argument of type cell (o.k.
it could be a cellRange but this is not really what I want) and you can
have in no way a returnvalue of type cell.
Can one explain why Add-In-Functions do have this restzrictions?
Can one tell me if there is a workaround which lets me solve e.g. the
following task:
I have an Add-In-Function - lets call it evalResult - which takes a
string as argument and returns a double.
Now I want do the following:
In a sheet - call it round5 - of my document there are the results of
the matches of the teams and the players of the teams in round 5 of the
tournament. In another sheet - lets say parameters - there is a cell
containing the name of my team.
Now I want to have a formula in the first cell of column G such that I
get the value I would get when evalResult would be used on the text one
line under and one column right of the cell where I found the name of my

team. In the second cell of column G the referenced cell should be that
two lines under and one column right of the "teamNameCell". So I want to

write Add-In-Functions - e.g. called getText and searchRelative - so
that I can use the formula
    =evalResult(getText(searchRelative( parameters!$B$1, "searchRange",
"row(thisCell)", 1 )
but then searchrelative must be able to return a cell as result!!
You can argument I just could write a function evalResultRelative which
can take all the arguments and returns a double directly. This is true -

but(!) I do need the function evalResult as described and I do need the
searchRelative-technic in several places and circumstances in the whole

So: again -
1) why do Add-In-Functions have this restrictions
2) is there a workaround solving the problem in such a way that I can
write the modular functions I want.

I hope my questions are clear enough and I hope I'm in the right
newsgroup for this questions

Thanks in advance for any help and greetings from
        Holger Walliser

P.S.: I tried to post this questions yesterday but there did not appear
a posting of me - so I try it again now.

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