Rene Engelhard wrote:
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Juergen Schmidt wrote:
How would I state OOo deployed jars in the manifest file (i.e. to point
to "program/classes/ScriptFramework.jar" wherever the "program" dir
resides on a filesystem?
(Sorry, if this is a rooky question, but I have not stumbled over that
that is exactly the problem. Because you don't know exactly if your extension is deployed per user only or for all users of this installation.


hmm ;-)

The necessary entry in the jar manifest file requires a relative path to dependent jars.

If I know that it's deployed system-wide (because that's what does), how do I
specify the classpath then? Relative to what?
what i have described is the mechanism how jar files should define their dependencies. And of course it doesn't fit for all cases with extensions.

Well there is maybe already a solution. But as i don't know the details exactly i doesn't want to name it here. There are some special entries in the manifest possible and Stephan can tell us the secrets of them in detail.

/me has that problem with sun-report-design.oxt and jars not even built
by the build process or stuff which will be used from the system anyway.
The only solution I found so far is adding them to
UNO_JFW_CLASSPATH_URLS because as you said, classes/ won't work.
well that should work but it is not the intended solution. It would have been better if you would have informed us about this problem instead of hacking a solution together ;-)

Anyway i am sure we will find a solution.


yet, or my memory fades already... ;) )
you should submit an issue for that problem.
Should I assign it to someone already?
you can submit it to me jsc or better to Stephan Bergmann (sb)

Please Cc me (rene).

By the way you can add the scripting framework jar file manually to the classpath and can check if it works.

See above, adding the jars generally to UNO_JFW_CLASSPATH_URLS seems to
work, although that shoudln't be necessary..


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