Hi there!

Frank Schönheit just realized that ChildWorkspaces with status planned in EIS and MasterWorkspace SRC680 can not be created on new MasterWorkspace DEV300 and suggested to just change the MasterWorkspace for all these CWS to DEV300 directly in the EIS database.

I can do this change if needed but want to be sure that there do not exists some whatever strange reason why one of the owners of one of the possible effected ChildWorkspaces might still want to create the CWS on SRC680.

Here is the list of possible affected CWS, please have a look and give me a short notice if any of them still needs to be created on SRC680 instead of our new DEV300 MasterWorkspace.

NAME                    OWNEREMAIL
calcapi01               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
chart03                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
progress01              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
spreadsheetml03         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
maho3                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
test28                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
reportdesigner01        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hrowinpch               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gh15                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
bezier                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
jpryorscloadsave        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
oooswrefactoring01      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hro31                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
odff03                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gcframework2            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kind regards,
Bernd Eilers

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