On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 10:25:38AM +0100, Mathias Bauer wrote:
> I don't know the complete background of the discussion wrt. rendering of
> vector graphics, so most probably you are completely right from a
> technical POV. But OTOH - what does that mean for the SVG import? How
> many years of development will it take to prepare OOo in the way you
> want it before we can have an SVG graphic filter?
Hi Mathias,

there ain't much missing, see for example the EMF+ work, which
tunnels the original file through svm via a comment action, and then
renders via XCanvas.

> Being able to insert SVG graphics into text documents like you can do
> with pixel graphics nowadays is a very often required feature. I'm sure
> that most people that voted for SVG import had this feature in mind and
> not the document import filter. Given the the low percentage of users
> that use Draw at all (compared to Writer, Calc and Impress) this sounds
> quite reasonable.
That question should probably be asked directly in the issue. And
then, implementing another SVG renderer (admittedly to a different
graphics API) seemed a bit redundant to me - there a some, and e.g.
librsvg (LGPL) could be used to render a pixmap of the right size

> So if my assumption is right - do we plan for user requirements or for
> technical elegance?
Heh - I would hope for both! ;-)


-- Thorsten

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