On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 01:56:17AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have seen that when i start the slideshow from any slide it works for that
> slide .
> Navigating to the other slide during slideshow is failing . 
Hi Karl,

could you please also try whether assigning a slide transition
effect to the first slide shows up correctly?

> What is the flow in following cases :
> a) When u press F5 on the current sllide Versus 
> b) When u press Page Down on the current slide which is fullscreen 
> Do the flows at a) and b) differ .  
Not fundamentally. The next slide gets prepared in the background in
a second bitmap, so maybe a caching/resource issue on your side?

> Note that when i navigate the presentation in non-slideshow mode , it works
> . Do you see any obvious problem , which i am missing .   Any pointers from
> you will help me debug the issue with my bitmap / virtual device code. 
The non-slideshow mode is using completely different code paths,
this does not give much information - to give more specific help,
I'd need the code - preferrably a full patch, such that I can debug
that in a live office.


-- Thorsten

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