Ulf Wendel wrote:
I do have SUNWant installed (/usr/sft/lib/ant, /usr/sfw/bin/ant, ...). However, I did not set --with-[ant-something] when configuring OOo. I ended up downloading ant and putting it in external/common/ . That worked more or less flawless. The ant script external/common/.../bin/ant first bailed a bit at me stating that it could not find javac in NO_JAVA_HOME/bin/javac (or something similar, I don't recall). But that got solved by export JAVACMD=/usr/bin/java .

Hmm, Almost!

apache-ant-1.7.0/ has bin, lib, etc, ... in its directory; while

/usr/sbin/pkgchk -v SUNWant 2>&1 | less

Their directory structures slightly differ.
That means that downloading Ant could be safer than using the one
embedded in the Solaris for building modules of OOo.

export PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/SUNWspro/bin:/usr/sfw/bin:/opt/sfw/bin:/usr/ccs/bin

Ok, similar, not exactly the same one I use... (see below)

export CC=/usr/sfw/bin/gcc

Please tell me about this one! I am still trying to compile it with the Sun compilers. I don't trust the GCC that comes with OpenSolaris. Its build against Sun ld and Sun ar. That caused some pain.

It's just for compilation of Perl modules.

The gcc bundled in OpenSolaris seems to use

/usr/sbin/pkgchk -v SUNWgcc 2>&1 | grep /usr/sfw/bin/

/usr/sbin/pkgchk -l -p /usr/sfw/bin/gld

/usr/sbin/pkgchk -v SUNWbinutils 2>&1 | grep /usr/sfw/bin/
/usr/sfw/bin/gar   ... for GNU ar
/usr/sfw/bin/gld   ... for GNU ld

man -M /usr/sfw/man gld
     ld - Using LD, the GNU linker

Look at the PATH above again, /usr/sfw/bin is prior to /usr/ccs/bin

How about use of an appropriate compiler since Perl modules are probably
expected to be compiled with well-known, widely-used compilers, gcc?

However, that does not matter. it just for a tool, not a binary of OOo.

My current issue is on jni.h. I'm trying to pass additional CPPFLAGS but maybe its just about this --without-java vs. --with-jdk-home.

Why don't you simply use Java? Any problem with Java?
Nowadays, some parts of OOo rely on Java. Omitting Java would break
some functionalities of OOo. Don't you think so?


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