2008/8/28 Martin Whitaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Nguyen Vu Hung wrote:
>> Users do care about startup time( how long does it take to open OOo 3.0).
>> Actually someone has done that for 1.x vs. 2.0. but I didn't find
>> anything for 3.0
>> http://www.oooninja.com/2008/05/responses-to-is-openofficeorg-getting.html
> Unfortunately, the dominant factor in how long it takes OOo to startup
> seems to be how fast the user's system responds to DNS queries, not on which
> OOo version they are using. See
> http://forum.mandriva.com/viewtopic.php?t=81345&highlight=openoffice+startup
> for a discussion of this issue (and various workrounds).
> I suspect that most of the people who complain that OOo is really slow to
> start up are suffering from this issue, so won't see any improvements made
> in the OOo code base.


This is one of the factor that affects the startup time of OOo.

IMHO, checking DNS or connecting to Internet at start is not a good thing to
Users can do that later for they want to check for version update, cliparts
or something.
We should do it with users' acknowledgment, i.e, simply popups a windows and
if OOo can connect to the Internet.

Best Regards,
Nguyen Hung Vu ( Nguyễn Vũ Hưng )
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, YIM: vuhung16 , Skype:
Japan through an eye of a gaijin:

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