Hi Marten,

It looks pretty like as if the document was locked. Strange enough you can still open it in UI office. The only possible scenario with such behavior that I currently see is that the script uses a different office instance ( at least different user configuration ) than the UI OOo session, and the file is locked by UI OOo session. But that would be too easy probably.

Anyway, as the first step please check whether there is a hidden lock file in the target folder before executing the script ( it would be "c:\esdb\.~lock.WriterWithContentIndex.odt#" in case of provided example ).

If it is there, please check that the document is not opened by another instance of OOo.


On 11/25/08 23:24, Marten Feldtmann wrote:
Mathias Bauer schrieb:
It would perhaps help if you posted a code snippet showing the
parameters you use and the call itself. Besides that the only idea I
have is that the document might be open already.

I think, that might not be really helpful for you, because the code is basically done in Smalltalk and therefore, but actually the code looks like:

   | loadURL desktop writerDocument loadPropertyValues  |

   loadURL := 'file:///c:\esdb\WriterWithContentIndex.odt'.

   desktop :=
       aMSKOO serviceManager
           createInstance: OOCSSFrameDesktop starName.
writerDocument :=
           loadComponentFromURL: loadURL "<string>"
           TargetFrameName: '_blank' "<string>"
           SearchFlags: 0 "<long>"
           Arguments: Array new.

Actually I did the development within a XP-SP3 virtual machine hosted by VirtualBox under Linux. I tried the code above at my "native" XP-SP3 at work and I'm pretty glad to say, that it worked there without problems. I have to do further investigations what is going wrong here ....


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