Hi Eric

Happy to meet you and interesting stuff you are doing as I see from the information and links you provided!!! This seems actually very close to the work I am currently engaged at with Aristotle University.

I suggest that the two of us have a short IRC chat / phone conversation to check for synergies -- just tell me at which time I can find you at the channels you mentioned.

Just to have it mentioned and avoid confusion, I am not actually giving this software engineering course, but have worked with Prof. Ioannis Stamelos (who gives the course) for the past 3 years in another project and now volunteered to help at this pilot course. I am supporting the course more from the virtual and organizational side. Volunteered also means we do this without funding, like you, so with equally limited resources.

It would be great to explore some common actions, such as the live events we now consider running. I have been running several IRC sessions with some of the students last year, and it was good to get further the current work they are doing and to provide assistance. The sessions at UStream I thought of would be more of an informative / introductory nature. UStream allows the "host" to videocast meanwhile the "audience" is participating by chat. This should be moderate in terms of required bandwith and equipment to participate at such an event. One advantage is that the session will be recorded (including the chat log), so it is preserved for others / future students. The service is also free, like almost all of the things one needs today -- which is a great advancement educational wise. Chats certainly are always a plan B. Playing at the web on a daily base as part of my research I think that you can do a lot of funky things, with very limited sources -- though certainly the HR aspect is the crucial one nowadays.

I heard already about Seneca from various sources, so apparently they also do some interesting things.

Btw: Glad you forwarded my mail to the educational list -- I now subscribed to it too!

Hope hearing from you again!



With kind regards,
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Com os melhores cumprimentos

Andreas  Meiszner

Institute of Educational Technology

The Open University
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

eric.bachard wrote: Hi Andreas,

My apologies if ever you receive the mail twice in meantime, but looks like the initial one has been filtered :-/

Best regards,
Eric Bachard

Co Lead,
OpenOffice.org Education Project


[dev-educ] Re: [dev] Software Engineering Students & Open Source development
"eric.bachard" <eric.bach...@free.fr>
Thu, 08 Jan 2009 01:52:11 +0100


Hi Andreas,

Le 7 janv. 09 à 16:36, A.Meiszner a écrit :
> A hello to all and I hope this mail made it to the right section!

No doubt, most of the OOo devs will read it :)

If I can, for Education dedicated questions, there is a d...@education.openoffice.org mailing list (subscribe is mandatory), where I forwarded your mail.

> We are currently piloting an "open" approach for the course "Introduction to Software Engineering" (ISE) at Aristotle University in Greece,

That's a great idea. And I'm sincerily glad to read such news : you have all my encouragements !

> aimed at bringing together Aristotle students, students from fellow universities, open source practitioners and anyone else interested in SE.

As professor myself, in a french engineer school, I try to do the same with my students, and I perfectly understand what your need is.

> To facilitate the students entrance to open source projects we are now trying to organize some live events for Jan / Feb > 2008 (chats, video sessions or pod casts at ustream) that would introduce the students to some aspects relevant to
> working in open source environments.

If you are interested, I propose to discuss directly about that on IRC (see below for the channel/server).

> Therefore I wondered if anyone here might be interested in chairing one of those live events and to talk (A) about > OpenOffice in general, some experiences and challenges, ways to contribute to it, etc and (B) about a more generic
> topic relevant for "newbies" (e.g. "understanding the code", etc).

In my free time, as myself developer for OOo since several years (mostly Mac OS X port), and involved in mentoring students since several years two (twice Google SoC mentor, and some other), and I sincerily think OpenOffice.org Education Project can answer such request and organize such event successfully.

In fact, we are used to do IRC meeting as "ClassRooms". Please notice we use IRC, because people attending are from all around the world, and not everybody has a good connectivity. So IRC is the less bad compromise. Anyway, we provide all the logs, thus asynchronous se is possible too.

The bad thing is, due to lack of resources, we have not the time to present something Funky, and that's a real mess.

> For this ISE course we set up an experimental open learning space
> (http://www.netgeners.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=39&Itemid=92) to facilitate the students > work and to provide a central meeting point for the different stakeholders.

Here we mostly use the OpenOffice.org wiki (see http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Education_Project ), mailing lists, the svn repository, the sources and IRC channels. We could use other resources, but since we concentrate on the code, and we do not deliver any Diploma, we do not care too much about the shape :)

And if ever new contributor join the staff, no doubt we'll improve everything very soon

> What we would like to achieve with this is to bring together open source development & software engineering > education -- means to create a win / win scenario by allowing students to gain practical skills (plus some soft skills)
> meanwhile contributing to an open source project.

What we aim to do with OpenOffice.org Education Project, is exactly that. In particular, we try to involve :

- schools (as sponsor, and /or resources)
- students
- professors (as locale resource for student, and evaluation/validation in the school
- developers and volunteers from the Project

.. means create a strong bridge between Educational system and the project. All around the world.

As example, please have a look at http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Education_Project/Effort for further information.

> The ISE course has app. 160 students per semester and the students are supposed to carry out a project work within a open source project,

This is a lot of students, and excepted a lot of organisation, receiving resources, and cooperation, I fear we currently are not able to manage so many students yet.

> contributing to this open source project in one out of three ways: 1. to identify (and fix) bugs, 2. to contribute to the code, or 3. to draft / improve the requirement specification documentation.

Well, you just are describing something very similar to the Effort we started :)

> In the case you would know people from other open source projects that might also be interested in chairing a live
> event I would be glad if you could circulate this mail.

Most of the people able to participate are now aware, with yor mail.

> Hope someone here might find this of interest!

Sure, you can believe me :-)

> Tips or hints to similar initiatives are more than welcome!

What about organize an IRC meeting ?

Better than IRC meeting exists, but until now, we have people joining from all around the world, and not everybody has a good connectivity (forget video). For tips and hints, I think there is nothing better than discuss directly, and regularly (the best is to meet us face to face, but as volunteer, non paid, I have no resource for travel, so I preoger forget it ... )

Nevertheless,some intiatives I have in mind are :

- mozilla to seamonkey migration ( work in progress) with a student form Epitech Paris - Tablet PC overlay with Impress ( work in progress) with students from Ecole Centrale Nantes. 2 students for the first part, 6 will continue

Soon: 3 students from UTBM ( France) will work on new OpenGL transitions

Last, but not least, Seneca College (Toronto, Canada) proposes the students to teach OpenOffice.org in the cursus (first session will start in a few days).

I have other entries, with other schools in France, and Italy, but maybe can we continue on IRC ? ( channel is #education.openoffice.org and server is irc.freenode.net )

Looking forward to reading you,
Eric Bachard

Co Lead,
OpenOffice.org Education Project


With kind regards,
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Com os melhores cumprimentos

Andreas  Meiszner

Institute of Educational Technology

The Open University
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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