
On Wednesday, 2009-01-28 10:08:21 +0100, Daniel Rentz wrote:

>> I want to know the name or the position of the cell that has called this
>> function. Is it possibile? How I can do that?
> It is not possible, because there may not be a caller cell. Caller of a  
> function could be:
> - a cell formula
> - a matrix formula (based on a cell range)
> - a defined name (a.k.a. named range)
> - a condition of a conditional formatting
> - and in the near/far future also the condition of a data validation.

All these formula expressions, at the time of being interpreted, do have
some cell position associated though. However, the Add-In interface
doesn't pass a position, and I'm not sure it should.

Gianpiero, what would you need the cell position for?


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