André Schnabel wrote:

Thorsten Ziehm schrieb:

I do not see the need to bring the build bots near to the build
environment here in Hamburg. The request for build bots was (as I know)
to have builds in different environments to find build issues in these
different environment. When these environment will be nearly the same,
then we miss to find these build breakers.

As Rene's very short answer suggests: this is what thinderboxes are for (find build breakers on different build environments).

Perhaps to use a build bots for CWS builds or for master builds here in
Hamburg could be a solution. But my intension is to search for all
requirements which are needed in build environment and want to find then
a solution. And I do not want to nail down now, that we have to use
build bots only on the request by QA community. Because I do not see
this request is valid (see my earlier mail in this thread).

Hmm? What request is not valid? That QA communitiy shoud be able to get somehow reliable builds from buildbots to be able to do CWS tests?

If this request is not valid - what is the alternative (how would QA community get cws builds?)
from my point of view the request is more than valid valid and it should be a very high goal for anybody to involve the community for QA. And this early during the development on cws's. A motivated community member doing QA find probably more real issues than the automated tests do.



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