On 03/11/09 15:12, rony wrote:
[Yes, I wholeheartedly agree, that the current situation is many
times frustrating, especially for beginners in an area of OOo (even
experts of one or two modules are beginners if turning to new
modules). There is a lot of resources that is being wasted just to
figure out what the original cause of an exception was, if possible
at all.]

With "figure out" do you mean programatically (catching an exception and trying to handle it, but having problems distinguishing the different kinds of exceptions that got lumped together as runtime exceptions due to missing exception raising specifications at UNO methods) or a programmer trying to understand a situation where an exception was thrown? In the latter case, I would not see how Frank's proposal (change published UNO interfaces incompatibly by changing their method's exception raising specifications) would help here.


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