On Wed, 2009-05-13 at 11:59 +1000, Mike Bissett wrote:
> Looks like that could be the case as I'm getting this error when running the 
> script for a second time against a headless server:
>   File "./DocumentConverter.py", line 165, in <module>
>     converter.print_convert(argv[1], argv[2])
>   File "./DocumentConverter.py", line 109, in print_convert
>     document.close(True)
> uno.RuntimeException: illegal object given!
> Any pointers on how I can wait for the print job to complete ? 
> I tried hacking in a sleep but that does not seem to help. when running out 
> of 
> headless mode a sleep of 200ms stops any errors.

This should work, i.e. using IsBusy to see if the printer is still

IsBusy = True   
while IsBusy:   
    #get default printer
    pprops=document.getPrinter() properties
    print 'Printer is still busy'
    #pprops is a tuple, so use python's any, not to be confused 
    #with OOo any, to search for a IsBusy named property
    IsBusy = any((x.Name == 'IsBusy' and x.Value == 1) for x in pprops)


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