On 05.12.2010 20:58, Kristján Bjarni Guðmundsson wrote:

So does this mean that Windows XP support has been dropped from the build
environment? How am I then supposed to build installations for Windows XP?
Is it possible to get the source to your build environment, so that I can
build Windows XP installations? Or at least get some information on what
changes I have to make to build with vcredist_x86.exe?

No, Windows support hasn't been dropped - at least not intentionally. It seems that whoever changed the build environment so that the redists are no longer required, meant it well: it made it easier for developers to build OOo as they don't need to download the redists and put them into the source tree manually again and again. Instead of that, they install them once and for good. But unfortunately he forgot to add a configure switch that allows to include the redistributables.

So I consider this a bug. I will see that we can fix it as soon as possible.

In the meantime you could try a hack:

put your redistributable into "solver/bin"
set the environment variable "WITH_VC_REDIST" to "TRUE"

and see if it works.


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Oracle: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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