
On 8 March 2011 15:11, tora - Takamichi Akiyama <t...@openoffice.org 
<mailto:t...@openoffice.org>> wrote:
    cd $SRC_ROOT
>>     and wait for a minutes, not hours.

On 2011/03/09 4:07, Knut Olav Bøhmer wrote:
Which worked for me :)
Well, I'm doing this on a virtual macine it took about 30 minutes. I don't know 
why it's so slow.

Oh, sorry! I meant that wait for minutes until building instsetoo_native starts.

Taking about 30 minutes to build both your language and English versions of OOo 
is probably normal.

Some tips:
 - Disable unnecessary background services.
   Search for windows vista disable services like that.

 - Monitor the CPU usage.
   It should keep at the level of almost 100% during building OOo.
   If not, look into the bottleneck.

 - Redirect outputs to a log file.
   Do not let them force the terminal emulator of Cygwin work hard.
   A task of drawing letters and scrolling them consumes the CPU power.
   bash$ dmake > log/dmake.log 2>&1 &

 - Occasionally check the progress.
   bash$ grep "Building module" log/dmake.log
   bash$ tail -f log/dmake.log

 - Utilize a Solid-State Drive (SSD) and put virtual machines on it.

 - and more...

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