Hi Pavel, *,

2011/4/4 Pavel Laštovička <pavel.lastovi...@blue-point.cz>:
> I think that using 10.4 SDK is required to build a working OO.o.

Yes, but that is because it is enforced by the configure and
buildscripts, not because of the actual sourcefiles. Those would
surely work with a 10.6 SDK as well (well, maybe you get some "foo is
deprecated" warnings).

> I cannot
> remember now, it has been a few months since I built on Mac (it was 3.2.1).
> I tried to build OO.o with 10.6 SDK and gcc 4.2.1 and OO.o then crashed
> during smoketest.

You most likely didn't catch all occurrences that need to be adjusted
(a few external modules have it set as well), and smoketest crashing
is not something very reliable anyway (unless you're building the
exact same milestone).

Personally I'm still against relaxing this requirement though.
Developers will almost everytime have more recent OS/Buildenvironment
than 10.4, thus you will get 10.5/6'isms into the code that will break
10.4 compatibility.

Thus when allowing to build with 10.6 as SDK, you're starting the
countdown to remove 10.4 support. It is not that OOo would have tons
of dedicated Mac programmers that can maintain different codepaths for
10.4 and 10.5 and even a third for 10.6.

I mean even tha java awt one is still unfixed. It is hackarounded so
that the OOo-supplied beanshell editor/debugger can now be launched,
but external extensions are out of luck.
The python-question remained without decision (system 2.3 and not
being able to use pyuno from outside OOo or ship with interal python)
- not even all patches have been applied, let alone taking a decision.

But I put my personal focus on LibreOffice anyway (but still run the
OOo-MacPPC tinderbox, thus I'll build OOo until it is no longer
possible, but I'm no longer actively dealing with the now
more-frequent-again build-issues on the milestones - if it breaks, it
breaks. If I'm pointed to a patch, I'll apply it, but I won't hunt for
the reasons myself anymore)

Also telling enough that while the mac@porting list was initially
addressed as well, the discussion only continues on dev@porting...

The "people want to save diskspace" argument was written with a
smiley, but be honest - when building a beast like OOo, and thus you
have to dedicate 8GB for building anyway, you can spare that few megs
for the 10.4u sdk, can't you?. As far as I know there is no separate
XCode that doesn't include the 10.4u SDK, thus you just have to rerun
the installer to install it.

my 0,02€

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