On 07/04/2011 05:03, tora - Takamichi Akiyama wrote:
> Sorry again,
> I have just come up with a quick solution for the file systems using 
> nanosecond time stamps.
> Problem:
> make: *** Warning: .LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME file 
> `/xxxxx/solver/300/unxsoli4/inc/svx/sxsoitm.hxx' has a high resolution time 
> stamp
> Cause:
> "cp -p" does not preserve a nanosecond part of time stamp.

i've just checked on Solaris 11 express:
both /usr/gnu/bin/cp [cp (GNU coreutils) 8.5] and /usr/bin/touch -r seem
to support nano-second timestamps.

> Possible Solution:
> "touch itself" before "cp -p" to loose a nanosecond part of its time stamp.

hmmm... this could work around the problem, but kind of interferes with
our goal of a read-only source directory  :)

perhaps just installing new GNU coreutils on systems where this problem
occurs is the way to go...

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